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At RueOne, we're revolutionizing how companies and funds raise capital. Composed of a seasoned team of investment, technology, and banking professionals, we help businesses and funds raise capital both effectively and efficiently. Our comprehensive solution includes strategy development and the implementation of a technical infrastructure driven by cutting-edge technologies, ensuring your fundraising efforts scale with ease and success.

Fundraising is a time consuming process, often distracting from core business operations. This is where Praxis Rock steps in. We leverage state-of-the-art data, workflow, AI, automation, and outbound technologies to streamline your fundraising process. Our expert team sets up these systems, which your firm retains ownership of, providing a practical solution that amplifies your fundraising reach and efficiency.

Our solutions offer direct and authentic outreach to potential investors under your brand, facilitating meaningful dialogues and providing comprehensive post-call support. This lets you focus on what matters most—your business—while we handle the rest. We're committed to making your fundraising journey smooth, efficient, and highly effective.

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